How can something that started off so small...

[Is it my imagination or do y'all also see a resemblance to Ian?]
...turn into a taller-than-mom young man?

[These pictures were taken back in March. He looks even older now!
I have a feeling I'm going to be making that same statement for the next 10 years... okay, 30.]
On the birthday agenda:
-breakfast of bacon and eggs
-scuba diving with daddy
-mint chocolate chip ice cream birthday cake from marble slab
-dinner at his favorite Korean restaurant where he can chow down on bulgogi
Hmmm... 4 out of 5 things on that list deal with food. Imagine that.
Happy, Happy Birthday to your teenager. Tell him to stop growing up at once.
Happy Birthday to your Austin! Hope y'all have a wonderful day together! Scuba diving is quite the birthday gift!!
Since I've been a mother of a teenager (I almost said teen mom, but that doesn't sound quite right since I'm 40) for nearly two years, I can say we've had issues come up that are a whole new ballgame.
Dirty diapers and naughty toddlers are easier in many ways, but it's also encouraging and exciting to see our young adults make decisions for themselves to stand for Christ. It brings joy to this mama heart, and I have an idea you're seeing the same thing with your sons! :)
Happy Birthday to Austin!
What a great photo tribute to him - (and he definitely resembles Ian in that last photo for sure!)
My own son will join him in that 'teenage boat' come February. I'm not sure I'm ready. (Are we ever?)
I hope he has a wonderful birthday (and tell him that his birthday agenda sounds delicious);-)
Happy birthday to our family's first baby. And I never noticed the uncanny resemblance between him and Ian (yes.....that comment is dripping with sarcasm. I love you Austin. I will call him later before bed so I don't interrupt his day of fun.
Happy birthday to our family's first baby. And I never noticed the uncanny resemblance between him and Ian (yes.....that comment is dripping with sarcasm. I love you Austin. I will call him later before bed so I don't interrupt his day of fun.
Happy birthday to our family's first baby. And I never noticed the uncanny resemblance between him and Ian (yes.....that comment is dripping with sarcasm. I love you Austin. I will call him later before bed so I don't interrupt his day of fun.
WOW!!! I bet you're slightly mystified as to how those 13 years went by so fast! You blinked and he's 13! I hate that time goes by so fast.
Been thinking about you lately and you are ever in my prayers. May you be comforted by the One Who holds you close to His heart, moment by moment.
Love you.
Exactly what I thought when it opened....looks like IAN! So adorable....Love pic #3 in the row. They grow so fast.
Happy Birthday, hope its a GREAT one!
Happy Birthday to your sweet Austin!! and I see Ian too :)
ACK! I've got 6 1/2 more days until my oldest is 13! I didn't realize ours were so close in age! And both with new babies. :) You make me feel so normal Marsha! :)
He's handsome. And he was cute. And yes---Ian is seen in those pics!
Congrats, Austin! I have a daughter who'll be 13 in December. I don't think any of them have ever been as excited as my oldest about becoming a teenager.
Happy Birthday! They sure do grow up fast! Enjoy every moment in the now, :)
Happy Birthday to Austin. I've got a teenager, too! My oldest turned 13 in April.
Hope you're enjoying your homeschool year. How did your retreat go? Been praying for you as God brings you to mind.
Happy Birthday to your teenager. My baby is leaving the teenager years behind in January. And I do look back and wonder where the years have gone. Sounds like a fun celebration.
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