We are on our last hurrah trip before baby is born in February. I know that many women will fly late into their pregnancy, but when over 20 hours of flying is involved, it doesn't seem like such a grand idea to venture too far from home.
One of the highlights of our trip to Portland was being able to see our growing baby in action today. I am so happy that my sister Coco and her kidlets were able to go with us for our ultrasound appointment. (Thanks for taking a few snapshots, Coco!)

Looking at grainy black and white photos of baby never gets old.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
-Psalm 139:14
We were thankful to see a growing, active 18 week baby in there! Thank you, friends, for praying that fear would flee and peace would rule in our hearts this morning.
The next big question o' the day: Is baby a BOY OR GIRL?
Boys run in David's family... his dad is the oldest of 4 boys. However, Austin has been praying specifically for a baby sister for over 2 years now.
I held my breath as the ultrasound tech typed out: I'M A...


Growing up with three sisters and only one brother, I never could have imagined that I would get to be mom to 4 boys!!!
I am so grateful that God would grant me the privilege of raising another young man.