We wait for many things... peace, courage, opportunity, understanding, happiness.
But waiting alone accomplishes little to nothing.
It is only when we wait on the LORD (as in invite Him into our situation, both big and little!) that the waiting bears fruit.
Do you know what else I love about that verse up there? It doesn't say that God might strengthen our heart, but that He WILL strengthen our heart!
In my own life, I have seen this come in the form of God giving me heart in areas where I was doing the right things outwardly, but my heart not really being in it. Thinking and doing what the Bible says without truly "feeling" it.
In the weakest points of my life, I have sung the song about the joy of the Lord being my strength. God was and continues to be faithful in allowing my heart to follow this lead of my mouth. It doesn't always happen right away, but it does happen every.single.time.
Is there something that you are waiting for? Are you holding back from doing what you know to be right just because you don't fully "feel" it in your heart? Invite God into your situation, into your life circumstance and let Him strengthen, fill and change your heart!
Joy, strength, courage... we can only get it from our mighty God!
It is worth the wait.
LOve you shot and verse.. ad love what you have to say about it.... Thanks for sharing your heart!
Perfect timing - this is something I needed to hear this morning! I know it, but it's always helpful and encouraging to hear it again! Our timeline and God's are usually very different, but He always blesses us fully in the end.
Thanks for joining in again this week!
Sometimes the Lord will teach us how to have patience as we wait it out but in the end all things work together for good to them that love the Lord.
Great photo to tie in with your thoughts.
thank you for this.....i HATE waiting, but God ALWAYS gives us what we need while we wait....and makes us more like Him in the process.
I love what you shared about how God WILL strengthen our hearts when we wait on Him. I needed that reminder today! Thanks for your encouragement! :)
Beautiful shot and verse! I love the colors matched with the verse.
I love this Marsha! I also love that it says He WILL strengthen... we can lean on that promise. Beautiful post! :)
I love that shot and the verse too! Did you know, you could also look at that verse as waiting on the Lord as serving the Lord? Just another way of thinking of that verse. :) I also love that it says He WILL strengthen our heart. God never says he MIGHT do something. I love it!
Gorgeous verse and photo Marsha, it just all fits so well together. I must say your strength astounds me, I need a cup or two of it just to get through this disease of depression...and here you are day by day putting on a beautiful face. What an inspiration you are.
Each time I've waited on God for something big, He's always come through with something bigger and better than what I thought I wanted. Isn't that just like Him?! Truly, He does exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or even think!
God is working through your testimony, Marsha! I love to visit your blog - I love the way you share your heart so freely and always point back to Jesus!
Great pic, too ... I love how you cropped it and made it a square - cool!
You are truly an example of God's strength. I have to be honest and say that I have been following your blog since the loss of your precious little Christian. You are AMAZING!!!!
What a wonderful verse and excellent explanation of waiting. You are so right...there is no "might" but a "will". What a wonderful God we serve.
every time i visit your blog, i leave encouraged.
We are definitely at a WAITING stage right now - waiting till God brings in the rest of our support and sells our house. Waiting to see what the best time would be to move to Dallas. Waiting...
For me, it comes down to being faithful where I am right now, not always WAITING for "what's next". Thanks for this great post, Marsha - you always make me think.
Thanks for sharing! Love the font you used
And I like him on Facebook.
Oops - sorry about that last comment - that was supposed to be on your NCG giveaway post. :) Why, no, I'm not blonde.
Thank you for this. I really, really needed it today, spoke right to me. Thank you for your strong, sweet, faithful heart.
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