It has been 2 years since Christian went to be with Jesus. I mentioned it to Austin and Noah earlier this week, reminding them about today. They both looked at each other, completely surprised that it has been this long. They both thought that it had only been a year.
All week long, I have been contemplating what to write for today. A few ideas and thoughts have been swirling around in my head, but I have not had a peace as to what I should say.
These past two days, my heart has been heavily burdened for my friend Samantha. Two days ago, her loving husband Erik left this earth to be with our Heavenly Father. No one expects to be called home at only 42 years old. It was sudden, it was unexpected. Please pray for Sam and their three children!
I have written much about our grief over the past two years, and I pray that y'all have also seen God's grace that goes hand-in-hand with it. Instead of adding more to the pages of my opinion and experience, I want to share with y'all the TRUTH and FACT of God's Word. That you may come to see the face of God, to see Him for who He is... and that one day, you will be PREPARED to stand before His throne!
This is what I read just a few minutes ago. I know that God wanted me to read these words this morning and He has impressed upon my heart to share it with YOU.
"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.Thomas said unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."-John 14:1-6, 16-18 (emphasis mine)
Life does not turn out how we expect and plan. I never dreamed that my precious Christian would only be with us for 3 years and 9 months. Sam never dreamed that her husband Erik would not be here today with her. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. But you don't have to go through it alone! Trust God. Believe on His Son Jesus Christ. Let Him be the pilot of your life and let His Word be your compass. That is REAL life, real living!
And dearest Sam, the Comforter lives in you. Let the Lord guide you and give you strength. It is spiritual warfare, a battle for your thoughts and the path that you will take after having your world turned upside down. Don't give up the fight! Put on the whole armour of God and use the shield of FAITH to resist the fiery darts of the devil! I love you, sweet friend and sister-in-Christ!!!
How incredibly sad. I will keep your friend and her family in my prayers. I am so thankful that Jesus died for us, that we could live after this temporary life. I pray everyday that my children will be buried with our Lord in Baptism. Our oldest has paved the way for the others this year. God is good. Prayers always Marsha.
(((((((hugs to you))))))) today Marsha! I knew the day was coming up soon, like your boys, I can't believe it's been 2 yrs either. I so agree with your prayer, Lord Jesus come QUICKLY!
Stacy Audirsch
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Your whole family is.
Your strength is amazing and I know it only comes from Jesus.
((Great big hug))
Sending lots of prayers your way.
We love ya'll, Sis!
May I asked what happened to your son? I've looked back through your archives and couldn't find anything.
I'll keep you and your family in my prayers today. I can't even begin to imagine.
I have been thinking about you a lot this week Marsha! We continue to pray for you and your family.
I love you, David, Austin and Noah. Missing Christian every day. Praying for y'all and praying for Sam and her family. I know this day is a difficult one for many. I love you Marshy!
Praying for you, and Samantha. 15 months and 12 days for me......
Love you and yours,
Praying for Sam and her family, as well as you and yours.
Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way Marsha, as well as Sam and her family!!
I am continuing to pray for David, Austin, Noah, and you. Christian's beautiful little face, the stories you share, and your strength make me smile and so thankful that God allowed him to be here for 3 years and 9 months because his life continues to touch so many. Thank you so much for allowing God to work through you. Your strength is amazing to those who don't know Him and a comfort to those who do.
I will also pray for Samantha and her children.
Praying that today especially you are overwhelmed with "the peace that passes all understanding". Thanks for your godly example, Marsha.
Marshy... that was the perfect thing to share today.
As I finished reading, I had to smile because I thought I could hear him giggle-- which is totally strange since I've never heard him giggle in real life...
Maybe I am just imagining his joy as he delights in his Heavenly Father and His heavenly Father delights in him.
We will see them soon...
Been praying for your friend. Talked about it with my family a lot last night. Hugged my husband a little tighter. Sent him a text message just because. Felt very thankful that I had TODAY. That's all we really ever have.
I'll never forget the night that we all sat on instant message - praying for little Dozer - waiting for an answer. I'll never forget being there in Houston and seeing you say goodbye. I'll never forget the amazing example you showed - of Christ shining so bright out of the darkness of grief... even at his funeral, the message of the gospel and of God's love that you show in your life and words everywhere you go. You are a lifeline, Marshie - you are hope. God uses us as His hands and feet to reach a lost and aching world. I'm so glad there are people like you willing to share what you have - the comfort He has given you - and be real through the pain.
THAT is what Jesus is about. He will NOT leave us comfortless. Our reward will be great. Where He is, THERE WE WILL one day BE. Together with all the ones who we grieve for today. What a glorious day that will be.
((HUGS)) I was thinking of you & your family today. My grandmother passed away on August 26th 16 years ago. Therefore, I can remember Christian's home-going as well. Nonetheless my heart aches for your family, but rejoices with you in our blessed hope!
I love you all, Marsha. You and your family are never far from our thoughts and prayers.
I'm praying for your friend too.
((((BIG hug)))
Marsha, my heart goes out to you and your family.
I clicked on your blog link from your sister's post on facebook, and I've read this post and have also gone back and read many of your archives. Your posts are so inspiring, and your faith is contagious. Thank you for sharing Christian with us.
Great post Marsha. Hugs to you and your family.
It is spiritual warfare and greater is He who lives in us than he who is in the world. I pray that people heed your words and begin a relationship with our Heavenly Father. It is so important to have a relationship with Him before the hard times come, so we can stand on His word.
Two years closer to seeing Christian again. I want so much to know what they are doing in Heaven.
What comforting words you had for your friend, words that you can share because you understand. I pray that she receives them and lives by them. My thoughts were on you today.
Sweet Chrisitan Edward...two years in Heaven...two years closer to being reunited with your precious son. Another Christ-honoring post. God is using you to help so many who are grieving. Thank you for always pointing them/us to the blessed HOPE of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to the Lord for bringing our paths together. You are such a blessing and encouragement to me. I love you and I'm sending Hugs of JOY your way. Lifting Sam and her children in prayer. May the Lord meet their every need. I'm so glad that she has you as a friend to encourage her and keep her focused on Him.
Abundant blessings of JOY,
Dawn~Psalm 34
I can't get through your postings about Christian without breaking down...my heart, my system...I can't breath. I can't believe that YOU, such a BEAUTIFUL person has to go through this...BUT LIKE YOU...I trust. Marsha. I stumbled upon your page only weeks after giving birth to my first son...today..he is 11 months and 2 weeks....and in 8 months..I will have yet another Blessing. Our Lord is so wonderful. He brings people and situations into your life that are not meant to be understood by our earthly brains..all we can do is trust. Trust. I am learning to trust with you. Thank You for today. Thank You for your words. And much love and MANY Blessings to you.
Love, Connie
I remember the day I waited to hear about Christian and I distinctly remember the feeling that I had a hole in my stomach and my heart was racing. all night. I prayed so hard it hurt. for days on end.
I'm ever thankful for a God SO gracious and that you and yours have been carried mercifully through that valley...
He will continue to carry you my friend! Love you so much and I am just so proud of you and your choice to depend on Christ. Our Rock. Our SURE foundation!!
amy in peru
i am sorry for your loss, and your friend's.. hugs to you
You are an amazing woman and I just love how your love for our Lord shines through you. My prayers go out to you and your friend, Sam during this difficult time. (((HUGS)))
You guys have been on my mind all week. When I read you're blog, I generally have to be alone because inevitably I sob (sometimes like a baby), whether it be tears of joy or sorrow. Your strong sense of spiritualism and devotion always encourage me. Thank you.
Marsha - I just have been thinking about you and your family all week this week.
Love you!
I've read your blog for some time now and never did I know of the loss you have endured this side of Heaven.
There is nothing I can say to ease that pain or that loss I know...but please be encouraged in knowing that you bless me. You inspire me. You make me aware of my doubts and my lack of trust in my Savior. And aware of my need for Him.
I will pray for you and your family...he was precious. :-)
I am so glad to have found your blog (or that you found mine, I suppose, and introduced yourself!) and have been so blessed reading through your post. I have loved reading about Christian and learning a bit about him through his proud mama's heart on paper:)
I pray that the Lord has been a very real comforter to all of you during this last "anniversary" week...and you were able to rejoice - for the priviledge of being Christian's mommy!
I will certainly be back - you were an encouragment to me and I look forward to stopping by your blog often. Have a beautiful - smile filled week!
As always, thanks for sharing your heart, and Christian, with me. I never knew him, but it seems I can hear him giggle and see his smiling face. I do wonder what their doing...though I wonder if our minds could comprehend it. love ya'll
Hi Marsha!
Oh it has been sooo long! This is Debra from California, not sure if you remember a lot of things have happened since we last "spoke". I think of you often and your lovely family. I haven't been on homeschool blogger for a long time and after remembering about it today you were the first person I looked up. I followed the path to this new blog it seems and am so happy to see your writing and pictures. I feel so close to you although we have still never quite met in person. Anyway, I hope you remember but if not that is ok. You have LOTS of "followers" on your blog. I have decided to start working on my blog and keeping it more up to date.
Hope to catch up and keep in touch.
Sorry to be a little late on this, but prayers always.
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