There's always something going on at my house.
Not always good, but always something!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
i just realized this today

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sweet Shot: His Hand in the Sky

And it took my breath away.

Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him,upon them that hope in his mercy;
I Heart Faces: Pets

Yup, Snowball in June. Some of her favorite hobbies are squirrel hunting, barking at turtles, chasing tennis balls without returning them, and wrestling with Hank, our Redbone Coon Hound.
Isn't she beautiful?
To see more pets or join in the fun, run on over to i heart faces.

Sunday, June 27, 2010
I am such a follower

What color are your socks right now? It's summer and way too hot for socks. Ick.
What are you listening to right now? Revlon commercial on TV.
What was the last thing you ate? PB&J on white bread, store bought. Jelly not jam so no nutritional value.
Can you drive a stick? No. I prefer cars. (I know, groooan right?) Can't drink coffee and drive at the same time if I did.
Last person you spoke to on the phone? My sister Coco.
How old are you today? 35 years, 2 months
What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Women's Figure Skating Long Program at the Olympics
What is your favorite drink? Do you even have to ask? Starts with a C and rhymes with toffee.
Have you ever dyed your hair? No, but the white hairs are growing like weeds. It won't be much longer now. I know that lighter hair is supposed to make you look younger, but I am very tempted to go darker. Do you think it would just make me look mean?
Favorite food? Korean food. Second place would be anything that someone else cooks.
What is the last movie you watched? The Young Victoria
Favorite day of the year? I don't have one.
How do you vent anger? Depends on the severity. Medium anger means yelling. Extreme anger can lead to crying. I have to go for a walk or make myself go to my room to cool down. I have thoughts of smashing things but the thought of also having to clean it up keeps me in check.
What was your favorite toy as a child? My bicycle with the back seat that I got when I was 5. I remember hauling my little sister Lele around in it. Too bad I left it in the driveway where it got run over by the neighbor's car (we lived in a duplex).
Favorite Season? Spring and Fall although anything that isn't summer is ideal.

Cherries or Blueberries? Ranier cherries and blueberries from Moorehead's Farm.
Living situation? Yes, I am alive.
When was the last time you cried? Today. I was going through all the boys' books and sat there remembering those sweet moments of reading with each of my kids. They all loved train books the most! I miss reading to Christian. I bet he would be able to read to me by now.
What is on the floor of your closet right now? shoes, clothes that don't fit, and a small laundry basket.
What are you most afraid of? bugs with exoskeletons that fly erratically.
Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? pepper jack and cheddar cheese.
Favorite dog breed? English Springer Spaniel, although I have always wanted a Siberian Husky. Too bad Houston would be torture for a dog like that.
Favorite day of the week? Monday.
How many states have you lived in? 4. Colorado, Texas, Ohio, Georgia.
Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds.
What is your favorite flower? Peonies with Hydrangea (blue) coming in a close second.
Did you get an H1N1 vaccine? No.
Friday, June 25, 2010
loving my new coffee

Oh wait, it does. Did I mention that my friends have a coffee business? Great coffee and friends really do go together. Especially if said friends can

Since I prefer a dark, bold coffee, I tried their French Roast, Chocolate Almond and Cinnamon Hazelnut coffees.
If you want to try something new and delicious, visit my friends at Cane Creek Coffee and order a free sample!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
family pictures

After many poses, half-blinked eyes and dorky expressions, we just couldn't seem to get it together and produce a decent picture. The photographer suggested splitting us up and trying to get one of just the boys together.
So we stuck it out and came up with this that hangs in our living room.

Only "next time" never came.
I went back to the store at the mall. With tears in my eyes, I asked them if I could order the other poses that we didn't deem "good enough". I wanted to get the enlargement that I had passed up before. But it was too late. They were already out of the system, gone forever.
God did have a little gift in store for me though! Right before Christmas, I found where I could get some postcards made of a low-resolution picture from that session. It was stored on their old website and hadn't been deleted yet! :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sweet Shot: rainbow

He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief;but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised,he was able also to perform.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Pinewood Derby

My sweet friend Doris was in the crowd.

There were trophies at stake. Kids LOVE trophies.

We doubt we'll ever win in speed. We just hope the car will make it to the end of the track!

Did you guess which one was Noah's?
This one.

It's the only iPhone we own.
Congrats to Noah on winning Most Creative Car! And a trophy! Woot woot! Totally made his year. :)

Monday, June 14, 2010
I Heart Faces: All About Babies

I can't help it. I just have this expressive baby on my brain!

You can read more about Ali and Adam's Journey to Samuel here. There is even a video of the first time his parents Ali and Adam saw him!
blog friends and baby

Thursday, June 10, 2010
On the Grill: Summer Slaw

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It's hot. I ramble.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sweet Shot: she is fashion!

Friday, June 4, 2010
another sweet dream
I had a short but sweet dream about Christian this morning. I want to write down what I can before it fades from memory...

Austin and I were crying together when Christian suddenly appeared standing next to us. When I saw him, I knew he had died and had somehow come to be with us for a little bit.
(For some reason this is important to me... to not dream a dream, but dream a slice of reality- if that even makes sense).
I picked Christian up and held him close for a while. He seemed so big with his arms around me and his legs hanging down below my waist. My arms become a little tired with the weight of him.
He was wearing a gray shirt with blue sleeves.
Austin came closer, gently touched Christian’s leg and sweetly said “Hi, Christian!!!”
When I finally found my voice, I remember saying “Oh how I’ve missed you, Christian!!!”
He answered very matter of factly, “I in Heaven now, mommy.”
I asked him if he liked it there. I really wanted him to stay with me now. I really wanted him to say that he missed me.
He looked off in the distance like he often did and simply stated,
“I have fwiends there, mommy.”
I knew right then that he was going back and that he would be waiting until I joined him one day.
Suddenly he was gone again… my arms empty. I fell to the ground in a crying heap and wailed out loud, hardly able to breathe.
And then I woke up.

I don't know why Christian said what he did in my dream. It's not like I have been worrying about him in Heaven! I do find it comforting that he said he has friends there. :) The thought never occurred to me before but now, just thinking about it warms my mommy heart.
David told me that he's glad that I had the dream. It had been a long while since I had a dream. It's almost as if we are a little jealous of the other being able to see and talk with Christian in our slumber. For some grieving parents, dreams are something to be dreaded. The waking up from the dream and facing reality is torture. But for us, the dreams are a gift... I have woken up feeling the weight of him in my arms, the feel of his soft cheek on my lips, the sound of his voice in my ears. Things that are impossible to imagine at will sometimes.
Christian is gone.
But I know I’ll see him again. And it won't be in a dream.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sweet Shot: give me angry

I told my niece and nephew to give me their angry face.
These guys belong to my sis Coco. She can make some funny faces too, but since she has worse pics of me than I have of her, I will stick with posting this pretty one. :)