My friend's sweet boy was born on my birthday last year.
As he celebrates his first birthday in a couple of weeks, I will be celebrating my 35th!
Growing up, I shared a birthdate with this guy Ray from church. When I turned 13, he turned 27. I remembering looking at him and thinking "WOW, THAT IS REALLY OLD."
(Boy, did I have some feeling old issues when I turned 27!)
I wonder if know Baby C will think the same thing of me some day. And that's okay.
The thing about shared birthdays is that you have this super special bond that means you'll get a birthday present (on time!) every year, even if you speak your mind.
Unless your name is Marsha and the co-birthday-er is named Ray. Then you get zilch. Bummer. I was always jealous that my sister Bobo got $5 from her co-birthday-buddy. I learned early on that life is not fair.
Do you share a birthdate with anyone? What do/did you think about the whole thing? Is there a magical "I am an old person" age in your mind?
Gorgeous little birthday boy!
Growing up, I have never met anyone born on my birthday in person. Ever! If you come across anyone born on October 6th, send 'em my way! ;)
How cute is he. I can't way I have every known anyone to share my birthday but I can imagine how cool it would be. April 23rd baby :) happy almost birthday to you!!!
I (almost) shared a birthday with someone. We were one day off, but loved to go to our favorite Italian Restaurant and then get ice cream in town. It was a little magical . . . we had someone to celebrate with. :) I was the older one, so I bought though! We did this for several years. Now she celebrates with Jesus.
There is a song that my girlfriends and I sang in college called Strawberry Wine. The lyrics -- "I still remember when 30 was old."
We would change them to "when 20 was old." But now, it's back to 30 for me now that I'm 32. (sigh)
I don't share my birthday with anyone!
Well, I'm sure somewhere in the world there is someone who was born on April 28th. I just don't know anyone personally. They would have to be pretty special to share my day, though ~ that's all I'm sayin'. . . .
What a cutie!!!
I don't recall sharing a birthday with anyone while growing up, but I do share one with Jason's brother's wife. I always tell my mother in law and father in law that they're lucky they only have to remember 1 date for both of their daughter in law's bdays. :)
I share a birthday (and birthyear) with a couple of high school acquaintances. It's kinda fun in a weird sorta way.
I can remember thinking 40 sounded old, and I'll be turning that later one this year -- YIKES!
Happy 35th in a couple weeks! :)
Later on not one. :) LOL
(That's my "perfectionism" coming out... see "Perfectionism 101" on Frugal Creativity.)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. He is so cute. I share my birthday with my sister in law Joy : ) Super fun to share!
What a super photo, love those big eyes!
LOL at the "old person" thing. You know, I NEVER had an age that I thought was really old as a kid (Okay, not totally true, there was this old man in our church he was 92. I did think he was old. But only after he started walking in all stooped and slowly. For years he was just a fun grandpa!). But I am a bit weird about age anyway, I never think twice about it.
(Shhh...big secret: When I turned 20 I was SURE I was well on my way to being an old maid!)
Awwww, he's adorable!!!
Reminds me of my grandson.
I tried not to think about "age" any more, really just a state of mind.
Happy Birthday to you♥
A girl I went to high school with and I have the same birthday: January 2nd! In fact, we were born in the same hospital and they brought us to the wrong moms at first! Crazy!
P.S. What a cutie-patootie!
Marsha, This is precious. I don't share my birthday with anyone, but I do remember being disappointed growing up because having a July birthday meant I didn't get to have a party at school. Oh, the deep wounds of childhood...back to the black couch:)
Great pic!
that is a very good picture! What a sweetie.
I fixed my blog button if you wanted to grab it again. I hate technical difficulties. GRR! I think I got it all fixed now though. :)
what a cutie;} love his big curious eyes!
I love this shot!!
My birthday buddy is one of my best friend's daughters and one of my daughter's best friends. It's worked out several years that we've been able to get together with them the weekend before or after and I always bake a cake for the two of us. It's fun! :)
As for the getting old thing, a couple of the Summit Ministries speakers this weekend were talking about adolescence and how it has now extended to the age of 30 (by scientific definition). John Stonestreet said something about there being a problem when culture does not respect age and wisdom and instead tries to prolong youth. I'm quite content with being 35. I don't feel old, and I feel more secure, more content, more mature, and more wise than I was at 29. I hope I can appreciate 50 when I get there and have even more wisdom and experience, and that I can embrace 70 when it gets here too. (When my grandpa turned 70, that's when I thought he was really old, now that my grandmother is 93, 70 seems so young!) I hope I'm never ashamed or too self-conscience to tell people how old I am.
Wow! Doesn't he just have the roundest eyes!
That little boy is precious!
Yes, I have a couple birthday buddies: my next door neighbor's son, a friend's daughter, and one of my parents' best friends. And JFK, though he's not around to give me a gift. Ha!
I'll be 40 next month...and that is the magical "old" age for me. My body is showing wear and tear and so I'm officially feeling OLD!
I remember my mom having my baby brother when she was 34 - my sister and I both thought "Wow she's really old to still be having babies". :) Ah, how life changes...
My kids like to remind me that I share my birthday with... D-Day! D-Day as in 1944 World War II etc. Thanks, kids! (this is the problem with your kids being knowledgeable in history!) But I was born many, many, many years after D-Day - they never seem to remember that part of it. :)
In grade 5 I met a girl at school who shared the exact same birthdate as me. Turned out we were born in the same hospital , on teh same day, only hours apart! We became instant bestfriends! haha Things are so simple when you're kids. :) We STILL wish eachother a Happy Birthday every year!
I had completely forgotten about that $5! Funny :) And, Coco--you were bday buddies with Aaron Hall. You probably don't remember because YOU were the old one in that scenario ;) I feel like I've met lots of people with my birthday--there's plenty of people besides me who are stuck having turkey on their birthday :)
Beautiful eyes!
Sadly my birthday is shared with a date which will live in infamy as FDR says.
He is just adorable! Those eyes! :) I don't share my birthday with someone, but it is sometimes on Mother's Day. We usually celebrate both together every year.
My 9yr old shares a birthday with her father. And two of my aunts each share a birthday with one of their nephews. :)
I am totally not trying to be a downer, but I have the opposite birthday associations: my mother passed away 6 years ago on my birthday, and one of my closest high school friends was buried last month on my birthday. :-(
Love your picture, though. :-)
fantastic shot~ really. love those eyes.
i was born on my grandpa's birthday, and i always felt a little bit jilted that he didn't treat me extra-special for that. :-( maybe i will hop on that black couch when the commenter way up there named heather is finished. (although i really don't know why she needs to be there anyway. i loved having a summer bday because i never had to go to school on my bday!)
i also had a classmate with whom i shared a birthday, but i didn;t really like him so i tried not to think about it.
my youngest shares a bday with my friend, which is fun even though they rarely see each other. my friend usually sends me a happy bday email to pass on to her. they need that moral support to fend off all the negativity surrounding the date of their special day (sept 11).
oh, and my brother & i each have a child born the day after the other's birthday. (did you follow that? his daughter's bday is the day after mine, and my daughter's is the day after his.)
Well for me 36 always sounded ancient. So you have at least one more year... I have 3 and then, well, I don't know what will happen. I guess I'll be ancient too. shoot.
are you posting this to try and rake in more presents by preparing us all ahead of time for your birthday? [wink] you know, that's a good idea! my birthday is in October... just so you know :)
love you.
amy in peru
I share my birthday with Jesus!!!
I share my birthday with my niece. She is sooo ornery and when she was born we said she'd have my attitude. She is a spitfire. I love her to pieces though!
Hi Marsha! I check your blog pretty regularly, but have never commented. This post struck a chord with me, though. :) I have two sisters who share a birthday 8 years apart and a brother/sister who share one 5 years apart. Then there's me. So, when my family got a puppy who was a few months old when I was a few months old, they made us birthday buddies. I loved sharing a birthday with Casper! Tragically, though, he died when I was 7. *sniff*
However, I discovered a new birthday buddy when I was a teenager - Tom Cruise!
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