Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sweet Shot: life blooms

Sweet Shot Day

The branches look dead and lifeless all winter.

But appearances can be deceiving.

Life bursts forth in due season!

For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.

For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;

Faint not. This is just for a moment. Glory is coming.


EEEEMommy said...

God's glory and His promises are so evident in Creation! I love the photos and the verses!! Beautiful!

Sam said...

I love Spring blooms! I don't have any flowers at our house, so I drive around town with camera in tow!

patty said...

beautiful photos... and love your blog design! i've been here before... i remember that sweet owl. :)

thanks for visiting today.

{oh, and ps: those aren't MY chickens and roosters.. but they did invade my son's baseball field one day!! :) }

vonda said...

Oh so pretty. I am in the north and just today I was clearing away the brown and saw little patches of green in my secret garden...love your blog!

sheri said...

what are those blooms - i love the pink. So pretty :) Thx for stopping by today!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marsha,

love the pic of the beautiful buds, and really love your blog design too!


Heather said...

Marsha, Thank you for a beautiful blog. You are so generous with your heart. I have just spent the past I don't know how long reading about Christian and your journey through grief posts. I love how you articulate your journey and how you speak to the Lord and your faith. I was brought to Him through the grief of losing my brother, and my heart will choose to say Blessed be His name.

Robyn | Add a Pinch said...

Gorgeous photograph that works perfectly with the writing and scripture. Just gorgeous!

Sam said...

We call our Leah LeLe too!

Diana said...

Great photo. I like what you said and the scriptures. It really spoke to my heart! Spring is evident in more ways than one. God Bess,~Diana~

Simple Home said...

I had to come by and say "hi". I was commenting on Folded Gingham and you'd posted right before me. I noticed your name and laughed. I've always said that if I had a $1 for every time I've heard "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia", I'd be a wealthy woman :-) I'm a homeschooling mom too.

Amelia@SavoryandSweet said...

I think you have captured Spring! I love it!

Anonymous said...

LOVE spring! The daffodils are starting to bloom here... later this week, we'll be looking at dogwood trees and azalea bushes... home sweet home to the hills of East Tennessee for a few days :) Sure wish you were going to be in Cincy this year, cause we are :)

beautiful picture Marsha!

Anonymous said...

LOVE spring! The daffodils are starting to bloom here... later this week, we'll be looking at dogwood trees and azalea bushes... home sweet home to the hills of East Tennessee for a few days :) Sure wish you were going to be in Cincy this year, cause we are :)

beautiful picture Marsha!

Unknown said...

Amen, Marsha. Amen.

Christine said...

Hey beautiful sister! Love the pics. Just gorgeous!!! Love the verses too.
Miss you tons. I love YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! Thanks for visiting me.

Pajama Mama said...

Marsha, thanks for checking up on me. You are so sweet and thoughtful! BTW, love your self portrait from your last post....you do "dramatic" quite nicely!

Lori @ Just Pure Lovely said...

We both have Spring on the mind. I love your Tulip Tree!

Tracy Robinson said...

hey there, thanks for visiting my blog. i am in awe of your strength and faith... you are truly inspirational!

Special K said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures...so beautiful!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Oh that is a beautiful photo!! Wonderful verse to include with it! :)

Traci said...

I love this. So beautiful and a great reminder. I think I know how those blossoms feel.
