I had forgotten that someone else had already dug for treasure there before him.

Christian said he was hiding from me.

Then he went back to work.
I remember asking him what he was doing.
"I digging fo' gowd, mommy!"

"Did you find any?"

"Nope, just wocks!"

I want to write these memories down before they get muddy. Right now, I am so thankful for the clarity of certain days and special moments!
You know what? There is an even greater treasure than what Noah or Christian found on those days. There is an even greater treasure than these memories and photos that God has blessed me with.
This treasure is available to anyone and everyone. To receive it, one only has to confess that they are a sinner, turn from their sins (repent), believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and make Christ the Lord of their lives.
The greatest treasure is salvation through Jesus Christ!
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. ~Matthew 6:20-21
Do you have everlasting treasure? Where does your heart lie?