Even more specifically, what occurred from 8:35am to 8:45am this morning.
As in full blown home alone!
Except this was on purpose and I didn't get all the way to France before I noticed they weren't with me.
Yup, I ventured out to our neighborhood gas station to get a couple of things.
I bet you are wondering what sort of things...

But if you have known me for any length of time, you know that much of my life revolves around food (and coffee) and totally saw that coming.
(FYI, the gas station also houses a Church's Chicken and is adjacent to a tatoo parlor that also does teeth whitening and a donut shop. I had to tell you because it's funny.)
For those that haven't reached the "leave my kids alone for a second" stage, here are some details that might put your worrying heart at ease (ahem, mom and dad/grandma and grandpa!).
My boys are 10 and 8. We have 2 dogs, our property is gated, we have an alarm and fire detection system and we live a bit in the country. Having said that, I don't think I would venture much further than the gas station that is 1/2 mile down the road. At least not yet. While the law is that you can't leave children alone in the car unless they are 14 years old or have a sibling that has reached that age accompanying them in said vehicle, apparently there is no minimum age for leaving them at home. I also required them to stay inside the house and only answer the phone if David or I called.
Wow, all that for milk and donuts?!

My boys thought it was totally worth it. And for me, it was a first step towards training them to be independent.
Who am I kidding? It was a first step towards training ME to LET them be independent!
How old were your children when you first ventured out with them at home? Did you have any special rules? Did you venture very far?