I ain't 'fraid of no ghost!
That movie was a classic. I think the first one was the best of all.
Trying to not think about anything at all is incredibly difficult. Just try it. Are you thinking about the Sta-Puff Marshmallow Man right now?
I wonder if I'm the only one that had a thing for Dr. Egon Spengler...
(Did I just nerdily admit that publicly?)
Great picture! He's so funny!
i don't even think i saw that movie. how do you even have that shirt? was it yours???
Great! Now I have the theme song stuck in my head! LOL! I have the collection; I just might have to make it a Ghostbuster's night soon!
Anyways, this picture is very cute!
Um, you did admit it . . . and now you can't take it back! ;D
A new Ghostbusters movie is in the works.
Before I saw the pic, I was thinking of the theme song and the marshmallow too! Hee, hee, it shows our age.
Haven't watched that show in years!! Super cute picture.
The first was the best. Haven't seen it in years. Maybe thats one to get from Netflix for a nice fall night of movie watching with hubby.
Thanks for your faithful comments on my posts...
hmmm....pumpkin biscuits in the mail? You nevah know, dahlink!!!
What corny movies we used to watch, huh??
What a great picture! Yes, the first was the best, as with most movies with sequels. Although, I do remember actually being a bit scared by the second one.:)
My Husband found Ghost Busters movie at Wal-Mart and bought it for our kids to watch..My youngest who is 11, but 10 at the time loves it..Me not so much any more..Was a cute movie.
The second one WAS creepy! With that scary painting... aggghhh!
The first one was classic. Her opening the fridge and the eggs sizzling on the counter, Slimer (the cartoon stunk though), crossing the streams. Good times, good times.
Yes, you did, and no, you weren't the only one...
Haha! Enjoy them-
Seriously, Ali? You did too? Don't toy with me on this. You're going to make me feel semi-slightly-sorta normal!
My husband and I are big Ghostbusters fans. I had my kids watch it one day, and, unfortunately, they didn't quite get why the graphics were so poor. My favorite character was Slimer. LOL I thought Bill Murray was cool back then, too. =D
Love love love this! Uncle Aubrey would, too :) You know, we could have a theme night at our house--we have the movie AND the Wii game (haven't even tried it yet!) Just trying to bribe you into coming is all :)
Oh Bobo, you know that bribery is not necessary! I think we're going to try to wait to visit next month when David has his vacation. :)
Emily, are you too cool for me now? I'll let you copy my homework if you promise not to shove me in a locker.
Will you still be my friend if I admit that I've never seen that movie? Not even one scene...
This is the cutest post ever Marsha : ) I love his face! And how cool is that shirt! I really love that you are Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! That has to be the coolest blog tag line ever!
A bunch of us went to see the movie in high school. I have high, prominent cheekbones, and my future brother-in-law stood up in the movie and announced that I looked like the Sta-Puff Marshmallow Man. Not a moment you soon forget. ;-)
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