Crazy days mean bullet posts-- yay!
1. I put Thursday Thirteen in the title but my tired brain cannot remember if that is a for real linked-up thing to join or something that I am just imagining. My tired body says no way are we going to mess with the clicks and typing it requires to actually look it up.
2. I am missing my cutie-patootie nephew Caden. That is one happy, smiley baby that loves his bath!
3. I am halfway watching Clint Eastwood in Escape from Alcatraz while I am typing this post. It makes it harder to come up with 13 things.
4. We will be having our first day of the new school year on Monday! While I know what material we will be using, I have ZERO plans or schedules written out. Not good. I hope to remedy that soon, preferably before Sunday night.
6. While at MD Anderson for treatment, my uncle developed pneumonia, contracted West Nile, and has some other issues. I would greatly appreciate your prayers for his recovery and for strength and encouragement for his sweet wife.
7. Before we left for DC, I realized that our dog Snowball was pregnant. Last night, she delivered one puppy. The scrawny white puppy died late this afternoon. We believe that it was a little underdeveloped and born prematurely. I didn't think I would be so sad about it dying, after all God made creatures to live and to die. I am glad that Austin and Noah didn't get attached. I guess I got a little attached while trying to warm the poor thing and stimulate it with some glucose water. (Please pardon this choppily written paragraph. Could there be less flow to it?)
8. Skip-Bo is a fun and addicting card game. For the record, I was the CHAMPION of the game last night against my mom and dad. (Let's not mention that I did not win a single game the night before.)
9. Are you intimidated or offended by my wild and crazy Tuesday evening? (see #8)
10. Old Navy (in-store) has an extra 50% off their clearance items right now. I'm just sayin'...
11. I'm thinking I should have put this post off until Friday so I could participate in 7 Quick Takes Friday instead.
12. Has anyone tried
this alarm clock? It's a bit pricey for a clock but might be worth it if it would help me to wake up in the mornings. But then again, laying off the caffeine and going to bed at a decent hour is practically FREE. Maybe I should try that first instead.
13. I wish we had tetherball. Even though David would school me in it. Just call him Napoleon.