One day last summer, Christian and I were under the big swinging tree in the backyard where we spied a giant of a mushroom. It was seriously h-u-g-e, unlike that piddly thing you see up there. Christian was quite excited about the strange, squishy growth that was most definitely not there the day before.
Being the 3 year old that he was, examination and scientific study was not going to be on his agenda. Instead, Christian quickly ran to the garage and came back with...

... his favorite golf club.
Does it get anymore redneck than yard golf? Oh wait. Around here it does. :)
I wish I had a picture of him from that day. It was his last afternoon here in our earthly home. But God knew then and He knows now that maybe I didn't really need pics from that day. Perhaps I'd look back on them with sorrow instead of remembering the joys of that day?
As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.
~Psalm 18:30
Anyhow, I can't help but think of Christian whenever I see a mushroom-- be it in the yard or at the grocery store. :-) He's the only one of the boys (including David) that would even take a taste of my homemade cream of mushroom soup. And I make good soup, y'all!
Oh, before I forget, I know David would appreciate me mentioning the fact that Christian hit that mushroom steady, straight and blew it to smithereens. He had some mad golfing skillz!
chuckling and feeling sad at the same time...
that really is too cute. what a precious memory! aren't you so glad you spent time with him on that last afternoon?
But of course he annihilated it. And Daddy would be so proud. ;)
'nother happy-sad story. *hugs*
Mwah & Hugs
The strength that God has given you to bear up under this gives me chills.
Continue keepin' real, MarshaMarshaMarsha ~ it's the best way.
As athletic as Noah is, Christian was the all star. Seriously, that boy did everything... and well.... except pedal his bike of course. :) I miss him. There's no doubt in my mind that he smashed that 'shroom to smitherines. Love you!!!!!!
Now I'm going to think of Christian every time I see a Giant 'shroom too. I'll send you a picture. Maybe I'll let my boys smash it up too----in honor of Christian. The Christian 'shroom classic.
; 0 )
i'm so glad you are able to keep pulling out these sweet memories of christian. i love hearing you talk about him even though it makes me sad.
Ah, that crazy boy...he really was an all-star! He had such good soccer form, too :) I've never known such personality in a 3 year-old--God knew he would be here for a short time, so he made sure to squeeeeze it all in to that little firecracker! I love you :)
Maybe you are right, Marsha. You know, without pictures of that day you have to intentionally think back but God is so good that He gives you little reminders, like the mushroom, so that the opportunity is always there.
Keep 'em coming, girlie... I love hearing your stories about that blonde haired cutie! And my goodness, poor mushroom!
Sweet memories. I hope there are many more that make you smile.
Are you moving your blog here? I hadn't visited in ages and got here from homeschoolblogger. I made the switch here right before Emily died and have found it a good place to grieve and learn to live again.
Many blessings,
Fond memories...I love to read all the wonderful stories that you have! I love you dear friend and know God is using you in ways we will never know. Please continue to share.
awwwwwwww shucks... that little guy was multi-talented.... he was a fine food lover, a mean golfer, a heart string puller, a cute little monster, a fine musician, a model, an artist, and will forever live in your hearts...and ours...hugs - Donna
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