This is my little brother Stephen (pronounced Ste-fun) and his son Caden during our visit to Oregon this past May. I just can't get enough of Caden's kissable cheeks and those bright blue eyes! I think it's funny how Caden looks so serious while Stephen.... well, my boys call him Crazy Uncle Stephen for a reason. It just fits him.
I hate that my sisters, brother and I are spread all over the country. I have hopes that everyone will come back to Texas for good one day, but I won't hold my breath.
You can find more "At the Beach" entries here.
My hope is that we do end up in Texas! I love you :)
I love you too, Bobo! I would die of joy if y'all moved to Texas!!!
AWWW! how adorable! Caden looks like such a sweetheart. He is getting so big! amazing how time passes before our eyes.
HUGS! love you Marshymallow!
oh! and I put your spiffy blog ad on my: Site Surfin' Page
cause it wouldn't be complete without a link to my fave Marshy! :)
Oh my! The new blog is beautiful dahhling! And all my favorite colors....very nice! And little Caden is just adorable!
So, last month, or whenever it was that you stepped into the 21st century and added the email subscribe thingy to your blog, (which cracked me up totally, because I myself was still in the dark ages,) I decided to follow suit and get one myself, but at the time they didn't have and email subscribe thingy for wordpress hosted sites. So thanks for reminding me to check again. I just added it to my sidebar FINALLY!
Oh I love this picture!!!!! He's so handsome. :)
That is a sweet photo! :)
I have been here to your new location and design but hadn't left a comment. I hope you're doing well. Thinking of you.
What a great shot! So cute!
What a fun beach shot! :-) Love it!
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