Truth be told, I have not always been so apt at...
To read the rest, please visit me at HOTM...
There's always something going on at my house.
Not always good, but always something!
Dear God,
Please help me at the Spelling Bee tomorrow.
And most of all, help everyone to have fun!
In Jesus' name I pray,
Trust me, I will need this written reminder for those inevitable days that were like this past Monday.
-The kids go outside and play while I make lunch. It is around 1:00pm.
-Science is after lunch. We are studying God's Design for Life: The Human Body by Answers in Genesis.
-It is 2:15pm and we are DONE!!! Well, we still have our current read-aloud which is The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare. I am flexible as to when we do this-- during breakfast, during lunch, after lunch or even right before bed-- it totally depends on the day.
The kids spend the rest of the day playing with their Magnetix, rowing around the pond, hitting tennis balls (all over the place!) in the driveway and playing on the dirt pile. Talk about boy heaven!
I wonder if they even realize how blessed they are. They may not realize it right now, but one day they will... Man, sometimes *I* don't even realize how blessed I am! But today and yesterday, I see very clearly how beyond blessed I am and how I don't deserve a bit of it. God is very gracious indeed!
Sometimes our homeschool day actually ends with every assignment being completed. Other days have glitches both major and minor-- like waking up 1.5 hours later than planned (although some may see that as a really good thing!); or like the one math page taking 3 HOURS to complete due to intense dawdling; or fighting, crying, and just plain old complaining that reduces everyone to tears.
What defines a good day vs. a bad day is not necessarily the number of subjects that get completed but the state of the heart. When a day is full of discussion, doing your best, good attitudes and happy hearts-- well, that is what makes it a great school day (the math will still be there tomorrow!
In This Issue:
A Tale of Two Home Schools by Darnelle / Fill In the Blanks
Darnelle discusses learning difficulties that children can have and the struggles that homeschooling parents face. She invites you to give your input.
How Did That Happen? by Lee / HomeScholar High School
Lee talks about graduation and how to prepare for college.
Why Bother? by Christine / The Finer Things
In this article, Christine addresses a common concern with home schoolers about the involvement of the fine arts in day to day lessons.
Diagnosis and Bringing Them Home by Sallie / A Square Peg
Diagnosis and treatment of disabilities in children. Focus: Asperger Syndrome
Just What is Co-Schooling by Stacey / Standing In the Gap
Stacey brings to light another rapidly growing form of home education in this article about co-schooling.
Learning Is What Happens, Naturally by MandyMom / The Natural Noggin
Myths are dispelled and creativity emerges in this article from MandyMom about their decision to unschool their children.
How To Make It To High School by Gina / Reaching High
20 years worth of homeschooling brings Gina to this place in their journey. Learn how you can make it there too.
So, Why Do You Do What You Do? by Kristine / Ducks In A Row
With this question in the forefront of you mind, Kristine will offer some sound biblical principles to help you decide.
Garden of the Heart by Heather (Sprittibee) / Heartstrings for Homeschoolers
This is a timely message about God's love and the heart of the family. Heather brings it home with this heart tugging lesson about the true heart of homeschooling.
The Daily Balancing Act by Dianne / Blueprint for Balance
Let Dianne help with a new perspective on the balancing act of motherhood, homemaker, and homeschool mom. Printables included.
Coupons, Coupons, Coupons by Heather H / Practical Penny Pincher
Heather knows what it is like to have a want to save money. Learn from her experience with these tips on using coupons.
Of Public Education, Politics & Homeschooling by Dana / Homeschool In the News
Dana gives an objective point of view on Mike Huckabee and the effects of appointing Kristin Maguire, a homeschool mom, to the Board of Education.
Let's Start At the Very Beginning by Lori / Raise Your Hands
WooHoo! If you need a homeschooling pick-me-up then start here. Lori will inspire you to homeschool while feeding you the Word of God.
Deciding to Homeschool a Preschooler - Where To Start? by Mandy Z / Knee High Homeschool
If you are contemplating a decision to homeschool your little ones then Mandy's article is for you!
Discover the Biggest Mistake Made by Homeschoolers by Robin / Sowing Seeds
Robin reveals the mistakes that can be made unintentionally and she will tell you how to overcome them.
Through the Microscope by Amy S
Science at it's most magnificent is God's handiwork. Amy will provide you with a biblical lesson alongside experiments using common household items.
We Are All Different by Amy B / The Open & Closed Book Education
Amy gives you a look inside the home and heart of an eclectic homeschooling family.
Thanksgiving Project
School Ideas
Paint Cans, Loose Leaf Binders, & Index Cards
Me: Uhhh... Dash? How long did you put these in the oven?
Dash: For ten plus thirteen.
Me: Huh?
Dash: For ten plus thirteen!
Me: Hey, sweetie... when the directions say 10 dash 13, it means 10 minutes OR 11 minutes OR 12 minutes OR 13 minutes. NOT 10 plus 13 equals 23 minutes!
Needless to say, the days leading up to 2008 were a BLAST!
(I know you didn't just *groan*... you knew it was coming... you knew I couldn't resist!)