Sunday, May 28, 2006

Finally! Pictures to share!

I guess it would be a good idea to start with a pic of my mom and sisters (and me!) at Coco's baby shower.  I'm only a month behind on the post...


(me, my mom, Lele, Bobo and Coco-- who is the prego one)


So I guess this picture would be before (April)...

And this one of my niece Emily would be AFTER (last week):



Isn't she beautiful?!  I wasn't very good with the camera on this one though...the flash kept making her squint her eyes.  She looks really big in this picture but she's really, really small on that quilt!  Which, I am proud to say, I made all by myself!  A seamstress I am not, but I think this quilt ended up quite lovely. ;-)


Since I'm in a picture uploading mood, here's one of Dozer making a tower from the pantry.  Was 4 enough for him?  Nooooo....he just had to go for one more which was his undoing!



I don't think I could've made that big of a tower with those materials...


And here's one more of Dozer making the biggest, grinniest face that he could muster!



Well, that's it for now.  Have a great Memorial Day, my friends!







mominpa said...

Very beautiful quilt....LOVELY...

Stop...there is a glass jar in that tower...all I can see is salsa EVERYWHERE>>>> :)

Canadagirl said...

I love your quilt , so precious. I love to make simple quilts myself. So was there salsa every where ? Or was the building complex a success ?


amada said...

Amazing grin! Wow. You made that quilt?! Good job. It has been a LONG time since I've made a quilt. Same old excuse... so little time... but for a big event like a new niece I can totally understand the need to make time! Well, I just wanted to stop by and say hi and thanks for stopping by my blog...

Gotta go eat some guinea pig or something for lunch,


Cajamarca, Peru

Jaybird said...

But even sweeter little toothers! Hope you guys are having a good Memorial Day. I am doing laundry and then we are grilling some meat in a bit!

chickadee said...

love the photos! how great that you have so many sisters.

the baby is beautiful and so is the quilt. i am so impressed. lovely!

milo has that same outfit as dozer and he loves stacking up the groceries as well. what a great tower! love the teeth in that grin.

Canadagirl said...

I love the book that is on your night stand I have all three of her books. They are great . I hope you are having a blessed day.


Christy said...

First of all, your family is beautiful. And look how young your mom looks! WOW!

As far as the baked beans recipe, yes, it IS a lot of beans. But we like to eat on them for a couple of days. It would be very easy to cut the recipe down though. I usually don't measure anyway. I just add everything until it looks right!

DebiG said...

You have a bueatiful family!!!

KarenW said...

The leaning tower with salsa! That's talent. Love the pictures.

eyecorn said...

What a beautiful family...from your adorable Dozer to your mom and sisters...I love looking a family photos! And the precious, she is precious. Congrats on the quilt, the one I did for DD was quite embarassing, you could see where the seams puckered the whole thing :)